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From the media

Leading Real Estate Magazine Realtor

An article published in the leading real estate magazine Realtor in December 2014, identifies Atlanta as one of the 10 hottest markets in the US in 2015


An article published in  CNN in December 2014, identifies Atlanta as one of the top real estate markets in the US and expects an 11% increase in the volume of real estate transactions in 2015

The leading magazine Bizjounals

An article published in the magazine in December 2014, predicts that during 2015 housing prices will rise by 5% and that the volume of sales of new homes will rise by 25%

The leading magazine in Atlanta AJC

An article published in AJC magazine in December 2014 predicts that during 2015, 71,000 jobs will be added at GA Ruben in Atlanta

The leading magazine BUSINESS CHRONICLE

An article published in AJC magazine in November 2014, lists GA as number 5 in the entire U.S. job creation, most in Atlanta.

Huge projects in Atlanta

Amazon has announced the establishment of a logistics center in an area of about 3 million square meters in Atlanta. This means many new jobs that drive the economy

Huge projects in Atlanta

Walmart has announced the establishment of a 1.2 million square foot logistics center in Atlanta.  This means a lot of new jobs driving the economy

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